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 首先,王昱官书记代表学院全体师生向所有2019级新生表示热烈的欢迎和最诚挚的祝福。冯晓英副院长对学院的历史现状及未来发展做了介绍,强调了学院旨在培养具有全球化视野和跨文化沟通能力的复合型、"语言+技能"的应用型人才, 并与企业合作培养综合素质高、服务意识强、熟练掌握英语语言知识和行业专业技能的高级复合应用型人才。 





  College is a place full of surprises. To you, coming here and attending college is like taking a new journey. To us teachers, having known you for only three days is already enough for us to say that you look like the kind of students that can make us proud.

  As freshmen, you may find that college life isn"rsquo;t always what you expected. And I understand how getting up early in the morning, memorizing every word by heart and practicing English speaking in public can be so difficult sometimes.

  As teachers, we cannot tell you exactly how high the sky is, but we can help you dig out all of your potentials; we cannot read poems like Tom Hiddleston, but we can teach you every piece of knowledge that we know; we cannot be as handsome as Yiyang Qianxi or as pretty as Dili Reba, but we will always try our best to build a better future for you and be your shelters when times needed.

  And we hope to bring out the best in you; we hope to have you understand what a great treasure you have right now by being so young and energetic; we hope to walk along with you all the way to your success in the future; and most importantly, we hope, that after four years of hard-working, you will finally be the kind of people that you dream to be all the time and never lose lope.